SEP8736-003, ИК светодиод 880нм 1.7мВт/см2

SEP8736-003, ИК светодиод 880нм 1.7мВт/см2
SEP8736-003, ИК светодиод 880нм 1.7мВт/см2
Honeywell SEP8736 Series IREDs
The SEP8736 series, from Honeywell, are infrared emitting diodes (IREDs) in a side-looking plastic package. The IR emitting diode is molded inside the grey plastic package. They SEP8736 series offer the narrow emission pattern available from T-1 packages in a side emitting device. They also offer longer coupling distances to other standard side-emitting IREDs. This makes them ideal for applications such as touch screens.<BR/>