Analog Devices
ADuM130x Series, 2.5kVrms Triple-channel Isolators, Analog Devices
The Analog Devices ADuM1300/1301 series is a range of dual three-channel digital isolators incorporating Analog Devices' iCoupler® technology. They offer superior performance and greater reliability in comparison to opto-coupler and other integrated coupler devices through the combination of high speed CMOS and monolithic air-core transformer technology.

Микросхемы / Интерфейсы / Цифровые изоляторы
Корпус: 16-SOIC, инфо: Гальваническая развязка для цифровых линий 3канала, прямой/обратный канал=2/1, 10Mбит/с, 50нс, 2.5кВ, Uп=2.7...5.5В, Iп.макс=10.4мА, -40...+100°C