AT91SAM9263B-CU-100, Микроконтроллер, 32-бит, ARM926EJ-S, 200МГц [TFBGA-324]

AT91SAM9263B-CU-100, Микроконтроллер, 32-бит, ARM926EJ-S, 200МГц [TFBGA-324]
AT91SAM9263B-CU-100, Микроконтроллер, 32-бит, ARM926EJ-S, 200МГц [TFBGA-324]

The AT91SAM9263B-CU-100 is a 32-bit Microcontroller Unit, based on the ARM926EJ-S processor, is architectured on a 9-layer matrix, allowing a maximum internal bandwidth of nine 32-bit buses. It also features two independent external memory buses, EBI0 and EBI1, capable of interfacing with a wide range of memory devices and an IDE hard disk. Two external buses prevent bottlenecks, thus guaranteeing maximum performance. This embeds an LCD Controller supported by a Two D Graphics Controller and a 2-channel DMA Controller and one Image Sensor Interface. When coupled with an external GPS engine, the provides the ideal solution for navigation systems.

• DSP instruction extensions, Jazelle® Technology for Java® acceleration
• 220MIPS at 200MHz
• Memory management unit
• EmbeddedICE™ Debug communication channel support
• Mid-level implementation embedded Trace Macrocell™
• Nine 32-bit-layer matrix, allowing a total of 28.8Gbps of On-chip bus bandwidth
• Boot mode select option, remap command
• Embedded memories
• Dual external bus interface (EBI0 and EBI1)
• 20 Peripheral DMA controller channels (PDC)