
ON Semiconductor

The FDC6333C is a N/P-channel MOSFET produced using advanced PowerTrench® process. It has been especially tailored to minimize ON-state resistance and yet maintain superior switching performance. It has been designed to offer exceptional power dissipation in a very small footprint for applications where the bigger more expensive packages are impractical. It is suitable for use with DC-to-DC converter, load switch and LCD display inverter applications.

• Low gate charge
• Small footprint
• Low profile
• High performance Trench technology for extremely low RDS (ON)

Транзисторы / Полевые транзисторы / Сборки MOSFET транзисторов
Корпус: 6-SSOT, инфо: Сборка из полевых транзисторов, N/P-канальный 30 В, 2.5 А, 0.095 Ом, 0.96W