- Товари
- AC-DC Преобразователи, Off-Line коммутаторы

Артикул: VIPER26HDTR
ST Microelectronics
VIPerPlus High-Voltage Off-Line Converters, STMicroelectronics
The VIPerPlus series of high-voltage converters combine an 800V avalanche-rugged MOSFET, that allows ultra-wide range mains voltage input, with a leading-edge PWM controller. VIPerPlus fixed frequency off-line converters enable SMPS designs meeting the most demanding energy saving regulations with enhanced reliability and scalability. It also comes with the largest choice of protection schemes and supports different topologies.
The VIPerPlus series of high-voltage converters combine an 800V avalanche-rugged MOSFET, that allows ultra-wide range mains voltage input, with a leading-edge PWM controller. VIPerPlus fixed frequency off-line converters enable SMPS designs meeting the most demanding energy saving regulations with enhanced reliability and scalability. It also comes with the largest choice of protection schemes and supports different topologies.
Микросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / AC/DC преобразователи
Корпус: 16-SO
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